Monday 26 April 2010

6 of my 9 a day {26th April}

A good friend recently told me that you are actually supposed to eat 9 portions of fruit and veg a day. When the government started their "Five a day" campaign the UK average fruit and veg consumption was 1.5 portions a day and they thought it a little ambitious to promote eating nine so they just said 5. How misleading, lol.

Anyway, I bought a lot of fruit at Sainsburies and made a fruit salad which contained 6 of my 9 a day. It was delicious

I could be Carrie Bradshaw! {21st April}

Night out in Brighton town!

Drinking cosmopolitans in 'The Font' - how very New York! SJP would be proud of us pretending to be in Sex and the City. My favourite show :)

Sorry its a bit grainy - baaad lighting in the bar

I'd rather be with Joshua Radin! {16th April}

Joshua Radin is an American musician who has somehow managed to become popular in the UK in the last... what? a month? Josh and me have loved him for more than 2 years! It's like he's started cheating on us with new UK fans :( sad times.

This is from his gig in Oxford - he was incredible :')

Smith and Western {15th April}

There's 17 of them :P
Went to Smith & Western, Box Hill with the fam and bf :) - and this is the impressive onion ring stack we ordered

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Sealion Bay {13th April}

Some friends from Chesssington - the fat one is Harley (13) and the one behind him is Dante (2) and I'm not sure of the name of the little one at the front... they looked pretty chilled lounging in the sun - lazy sealions! Went to say "hello" to them on my way out of work.

Monday 12 April 2010

Flower power {12th April}

Today I was playing with the settings on my pathetic excuse for a camera and discovered the macro function and now - ta DA!!! - my photo for today is half decent! and NO I did not get it off google images.
Didn't go anywhere too exciting today and these flowers were actually at Sainsburies when me and the boy went to stock up on Kettle Chips! 3 packets for £3! Nom.
Working again tomorrow - so not too sure what i'll be taking a picture of...

Britain's Wildest Adventure! {11th April}

My first photo :)
This was taken as I was arriving at work, so now you know I work at Chessington World of Adventures! Have only been working there a month or so but its been great so far! Working in a pizza restaurant on the park, so yeah, rather enjoying it.
Yeah I know the photo has no interesting composition or lighting etc etc - I'm working on it!
ttfn xx

Saturday 10 April 2010

Here at the beginning.

Project365 is my new hobby.

I am aiming to follow the basic idea of "project365" and take one photo every day, to keep a visual diary of my life and hopefully have some great memories to look back on.

Now, I am no photographer, far from! And my camera is a battered little Kodak that has seen its best days. The zoom no longer works and the settings and features are "limited". My photos are likely to look unimaginative and amatuer but I don't mind. I think the whole idea of this project is really inspiring and hopefully I will end up with a rich visual history of my life.

Be patient with my photography skills, hopefully I will learn and get better!