Sunday 30 May 2010

When is a door not a door?... {30th May}

...when its ajar!
My apologies for the AWFUL joke :)
Long time, no photo's. I seem to be failing this 365 thing, may have to make mine project 27 or something - that's probably all i'm going to manage in a year! ah well i have better things to do.
These are some doors (duh!) from around my house, the two at the bottom are from my dollhouse :') .. memories

Thursday 6 May 2010

Have I helped send Green's first MP to parliment? {6th May}

I know you're not meant to tell anyone who you vote for, but at Sussex every one seems very open about it. We've had a luminous green poster in our windoow screaming VOTE GREEN at any passer-bys for a week and everything.

Here's hoping that LUCAS will make to parliment as Green's first MP!
I hope you like my windmill. And I hope everyone who could vote - DID!

nom. {5th May}

Chicken breast with mayonnaise, smoke flavour sweetcure bacon, sage and onion stuffing with fried onions and parsley on buttered multiseed white bread....
and some McCoys...
This beautiful banquet of a lunch was my reward for working so hard on my horrid horrid essay.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

xx..Home Sweet Home..xx {04.05.10}

Every single one of these doorbells rings to our flat! Can get a bit irritating but its just one of those little characteristics of Flat 34 that makes it so familiar :') - but please don't stalk me! I really shouldn't put any of my address on the internet.

RAWR! {29th April}

With my lovely flatmates waiting in a very long queue for a club on Brighton seafront. We were out for a friends birthday, with the bizarre theme of 'Tigers & Toga's'?? Weird - we got a lot of questions strangers trying to work out what the frick we were dressed up as!

Again with the week late uploading. I must get better at this.